ACTIVE Refund Terms and Conditions
What is ACTIVE Refund?
ACTIVE Refund is an option available for purchase at checkout for certain activities using Active Network software for registration. When purchased, ACTIVE Refund makes the underlying registration refundable.
How to Purchase ACTIVE Refund
ACTIVE Refund can only be purchased while registering for an eligible activity on ACTIVE Network. Once an online registration is completed, a registrant can no longer purchase ACTIVE Refund.
ACTIVE Refund Coverage
ACTIVE Refund makes the registration fee and certain additional purchases eligible for a refund. The ACTIVE Refund purchase cost and any ACTIVE Network processing fees are not included in the refund amount. The amount eligible for refund will be quoted at time of purchase, along with the cost of the Active Refund option.
ACTIVE Refund Purchase Eligibility
The following criteria must be met in order to purchase ACTIVE Refund. The eligibility requirements are associated with the individual paying for the registration (the “payor”).
- Payor must be at least 18 years old. An adult may purchase the option in relation to a minor’s registration. Note that the payor is not necessarily the registrant. The payor, rather than the registrant, is the party entitled to the Active Refund, as set forth in these terms.
- Payor must be a resident of an eligible country. Currently the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia are eligible.
- The activity associated with the Active Refund must take place in a participating country. Currently United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia are eligible.
- ACTIVE Refund may be purchased only in the following currencies: USD, CAD, GBP, AUD.
- The organization hosting the activity must be participating in ACTIVE Refund program. Some organizations are excluded.
- ACTIVE Refund will only display for registrations where payment is collected. Registrations where no payment is collected are not eligible.
- Certain registrations may be paid in installments. ACTIVE Refund can be purchased for these registrations but must be paid for in a single lump sum at time of purchase. Price is based on total cost of the registration.
- If multiple registrations are being purchased in a single transaction, ACTIVE Refund must be purchased for all or none of the registrants. ACTIVE Refund may not be purchased for specific registrations in a transaction but not for others. It is an “all or nothing” purchase.
- ACTIVE Refund will no longer be available for purchase 72 hours prior to the start date of an activity.
ACTIVE Refund Purchase Details
The payor will receive a confirmation email which includes a receipt, an ACTIVE Refund Reference ID, and instructions for requesting a refund.
ACTIVE Refund Requests
ACTIVE Refund refund requests must adhere to the following guidelines:
- All ACTIVE Refund refund requests are to be made by the payor on the ACTIVE Refund website.
- Refund requests must be submitted no later than midnight 48 hours prior to the activity start date.
a. The 48 hour deadline is based on the time zone in which the activity takes place.
b. The activity date is determined at the time of purchase. If the activity date changes, the 48-hour deadline still applies to the original activity date at time of purchase.
c. If the activity takes place over multiple days or weeks the deadline to submit the refund request is 48 hours before the first day of the activity.
- Refund requests will be denied if registration has already been partially or completely refunded by the organizer.
- Refund requests will be denied if payor requests a chargeback from their payment provider.
- ACTIVE refund does not require a reason to process refund requests. All eligible refund requests will be approved unless the activity was cancelled by the organizer, registration has already been refunded or assessed as a chargeback, or fraudulent activity is suspected.
- An ACTIVE Refund Reference ID and payor email address is required to submit a refund request.
- If multiple registrations have been purchased with a single Reference ID the payor may choose to submit a refund request for specific registrants while keeping other participant registrations intact.
- The registration will be cancelled upon approval of a refund request.
- All refund request approvals are final. A registration may not be re-instated once a refund request has been approved.
Cancelations, Transfers, and other Circumstances
ACTIVE Refund purchasers should note the following program details:
- All ACTIVE Refund sales are final for participating activities. The cost of purchasing ACTIVE Refund is non-refundable.
- The only instance in which an ACTIVE Refund fee will be reimbursed to the registrant is when Active receives notice from the activity organizer more than 48 hours in advance of the activity start date that the associated activity has been canceled, and the payor has not received a refund for the associated activity through the Active Refund process. In that instance, the ACTIVE Refund purchase fee will be refunded upon request, but the activity registration fee is no longer eligible to for refund through Active Refund. The organizer of the activity is responsible for refunding the registration fee, if applicable, according to its stated policies.
- ACTIVE Refund purchases may not be transferred to other registrations.
- ACTIVE Refund purchases are void if the activity registration is transferred to a new individual.
ACTIVE Refund Payments
Approved refund requests generally will be paid within 5 days of submission. The funds will be issued to the payor’s original form of payment.