Humblewood: Ancient Groves

The Story: The ancient forests of Humblewood are under threat by fire and banditry! Play as birdfolk or humblefolk in this exciting campaign setting for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, with new classes, feats, monsters, spells, and items. We'll be using a module for the virtual table top, including battle maps, character sheets, and artwork.
Style of Play: Although we will be using a pre-made setting and adventure, there will be plenty of room for improvisation and customized adventures. The second part of this campaign will most likely be offered after labor day.
Preparation: You will need a free account on
GM: Chad Hines
suggested Grades: 5th, 6th, 7th
limit: 6 players
6 Sessions, 3-4:30pm
Mon, Wed, Fri, Aug 24-Sep 4
Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Hosted on ROll20 & Zoom
About the GM: Long ago, Chad was in a college improv troupe and developed a love for making up stories with other people. Even longer ago, he played Dungeons and Dragons and read every fantasy and science fiction book he could get his hands on. More recently, he earned a PhD in literature, self-published a novel, and taught English in other countries.