Declan O’Connell

Band Coordinator (Band of Mountains)

Unfortunately not born from cardboard, Declan was instead raised in the Realm. From his days as a young camper until now, his love for both the fantastical stories and battles of camp hasn’t diminished. Since starting as a counselor in 2021, Declan has fought many a camper, led many houses to victory, and fled from many large hordes of vengeful (formerly slain) campers.

Now a Coordinator with a background in performing arts, you will be able to find him leading as-many-campers-as-he-can-convince on a wild goose chase for what is, in fact, not the sword of Raiko, fleeing from said campers, and being mercilessly executed by the reigning royals in the castle.

Haunting of trails and castles aside, Declan loves nothing more than helping campers take advantage of the freedom of imagination that each week of camp offers and helping make the experience just as special for them as it was for him.
