Fall Adventures 2018 (new)

Whether you prefer playing live-action games in the field or making things in the studio, Adventures in Cardboard® hosts workshops that demand the use of legs and feet as much as hands and head, where artist-instructors seek to unleash a zeal for creative role-playing, and where wonder is the preferred path to igniting a passion for design, construction and playful exploration of the world.

  • Fall 2018 Game Days  at French Regional Park and West Bush Lake Park, $69
  • Fall 2018 Studio Workshops  at Adventure Studio, Minneapolis, $199

We’ll be offering more Game Days and Workshops for Winter 2018 and Spring 2018 which will be posted online Saturday Dec 2nd and Feb 3rd, respectively. Summer Camp Registration begins Saturday, January 12th at 8am.


Please consider the level of combat play in each activity. The expectations for combat play set up in summer adventures can be very different from the expectations set up in each different workshop.

Make sure you’re signing up for the right class!

  • Red indicates a HIGH level of combat play, the workshops are centered around this type of play.
  • Orange indicates a MODERATE level of combat play with a little time set aside for it each day.
  • Yellow indicates a LOW level of combat play, it might happen but should not be expected daily.
  • Green indicates NO COMBAT PLAY. Participants should not expect or ask for any combat play.


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Sunday, Sep 30th, 11am-4pm, ages 8-16 

French Regional Park, Skyview Picnic Area, 12605 Rockford Rd., Plymouth, $69

 High Combat Play

With Julian McFaul and the summer AiC staff!

Our Fall Game Day at French Regional Park is based around the formation of the Federated Ogrekin of the Sh’ne Sahn. Come play as one variety of these related tusked brutes BEFORE the “Great Peace of Uneating” was established.

Long before the council of Nh’gatha Shrûk and the formation of the Federated Clans of the Sh’ne Sahn, the various surviving bands of Ogrekin roamed the swamps at the foot of Shehelemet and ate whatever they could find, including each other. This was after the strife of the Ugly War of Realm Year 4752  B.E. that had all of the Unseelie Court of Tusked and Tufted driven from the high mountain by the Seelie Court of Elves and their early Dwarven allies.

As you fight to unit eyour clans you can choose to play Brucuck (Ogres), Arukusi (Orcs) or Blatu (Goblins). We will follow a classic Dominion game plan with new rules for oversized weapons, shamanic powers, mixing medieval melee and nerf gear and cannibalizing enemies for increased power.

Brucuck play with giant weapons and brute strength.
Arukusi play with fantastic shamanic powers and supreme organization.
Blatu with a chaotic array of technology including nerf gear.

Choose your team before your favorite ogre-clan fills!


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The Empire Strikes Back

Saturday, October 6th, 10am-3pm, ages 8-16 

West Bush Lake Park, Shelter #1 9401 West Bush Lake Rd., Bloomington, $69

 High Combat Play

With Julian McFaul and the summer AiC staff!

At West Bush Lake Park play one of several star faring civilizations of the distant future rebelling against intergalactic despotism. Three of your squads having emergency landed on the world of Alpha Centauri G-67b now struggle to survive the hostile flora, fauna and geology of an alien world.

If the situation were not bad enough, a team playing The Empire has tracked their fallen location of these rebels and launched Operation Extermination.

Play as The Empire, the team with all the advantages, as you strategize how to crush the dregs of rebellion, or take on a challenge and play one of three surviving rebel teams as they struggle to survive an alien land, fight off The Empire and escape Alpha Centauri G 67b!

New sci-fi rules and captures are included in a new multi-episodic adventure sequence.


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Boss Armor in the Style of Colossus

 Saturdays, 7 Sessions, 10-12:30am, ages 9-16

Adventure Studio, 4501 Hiawatha Ave, Minneapolis, $199

 Low Combat Play

all sessions with Julian McFaul! 

Seven Sessions: Oct 13, 17 Nov 3, 10, 17 Dec 1, 8

No sessions over MEA or Thanksgiving Break 

Let us help you build your own suit of fully  functioning boss armor! With heavy boots, oversized body pieces, crushing fists and several customizable options, after seven weeks you will strut out of Adventure Studio as a two-ton behemoth ready to take on an entire house of foes!

Each week we will work on a different part of your oversized armored suit based of the templates of The Colossus. Julian will be assisted by two highly skilled AiC builders, but be prepared to do all of the cutting, taping, stapling and papiér-mache yourself!

There will be little time for actual combat play most days, but on the last day we will challenge a special team of counselors as an boss army 18 unites strong! AiC has never seen a battle the likes of this…

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