spring forest
  • Mystery Event: Murder at the Manor, Adventures in Cardboard, Sat, April 29
  • Game Day 1: Kingdoms of the Old World, West Bush Lake Park, Sat, May 6
  • Game Day 2: Grisla's Retreat, Theo Wirth Park, Sun, May 7
  • Game Day 3: The Battle of Gurthbad, West Bush Lake Park, Sat, May 13
  • Space Opera Weekend, Tony Schmidt Regional Park, Sat & Sun, May 13 & 14
  • Hard Tactical Weekend, Caponi Art Park, Sat & Sun, May 20 & 21
  • Game Night: The Dark Forest, Caponi Art Park, Sat, June 3

Game Night: The Dark Forest

Saturday, June 3, 7-11pm, ages 10-16, $89

Caponi Art Park, 1220 Diffley Ave, Eagan

high combat play


The Forest: Be Afraid of the Dark!

War is upon us in the Dark Forest - a place of twilight caught between the worlds. The Forest has always been contested by three cursed peoples whose kingdoms touch its edges. Lords of the Nildreth, Syldrath and Lledreth now perch themselves on dark castles in the far marches of their territories that overlook the coveted forest and its mysteries. These sorcerer-queens and kings have always sourced their power from this dark land and now devise plans to take it all for themselves.

The three related people of the Forest were born in it and cursed by it. Their separate realms are kept in a perpetual and never changing station of day or night in this strange part of the Realm. In the marches of Darkness dwell the lofty and brooding Lledreth, people of the night. In the perpetual and maddening marches of Daylight dwell the crazed and grasping Nildreth, perhaps the people most akin to humankind found elsewhere in the Realm. Lastly in the marches of the Gloaming, a perpetual sundown realm between Day and Night, dwell the faery-like court of the Syldreth. By Wyrd of the Forest each of these peoples has been Cursed to Hunt and find themselves in a vampyric chase. The life essence of one people is intoxicating, empowering and sustaining to the other - without it they would fall into madness!

But there are other things to worry about in the Dark Forest more terrifying even than your opponents. Will you seek them out or will you attempt to avoid them as you play?

A Variety of Games

There will be little time for building in the Armory, instead we'll focus on several new games that integrate darkness into their system of rules. Some games will require cooperation between factions, some games will pit you against each other, all games will put you squarely in the Dark!
