Fiasco: Even Greater Fiascos


The Story: Players will make up three different movies over six sessions, using dice and improvised scenes to discover what happens next. I create custom, age-appropriate playsets we will use, along with imagination and randomization, to develop hilariously unexpected plots and characters. Each movie style will be determined by the players. Emphasis will be placed on listening, collaborating, and having fun.

About the GM: Long ago, Chad was in a college improv troupe and developed a love for making up stories with other people. Even longer ago, he played Dungeons and Dragons and read every fantasy and science fiction book he could get his hands on. More recently, he earned a PhD in literature, self-published a novel, and taught English in other countries.

GM: Chad Hines
suggested Grades: 5th, 6th, 7th
limit: 4 players
6 Sessions, 3-5pm
Tues, Thus, Sats, June 16 - June 27
Hosted on ROll20 & Zoom