
Being a Counselor-in-Training at Adventures in Cardboard® is a demanding volunteer role for people age 16 and up. It is a role you’ll want to consider carefully before taking on. We ask that you try two or three weeks to start because it will take you that long to get the hang of it. Working…

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Gotcha Games

Sneaking Circle AiC

At AiC we have always engaged kids’ desires for what we call “Got Ya’ Games” as we have with our own kids at home. The testimony of this parent below about why she celebrated “Cops’n’Robbers” with her own children describes more eloquently than we have ever been able to about why we celebrate such play.

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We play many “Got Ya’ Games” at AiC usually with a cardboard sword, a two-hand-touch or a puffy-tipped arrow. By and large we stay away from gunplay for reasons that have more to do with safety and sensitivity in public spaces than any philosophical opposition. At AiC we have always engaged kids’ desires for what we…

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